"Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world." James 1:27

Get Involved

There are 3 ways you can get involved with helping provide care for these precious children.  

The first opportunity is to sponsor a child for monthly support that will help pay for his/her housing, clothing and food.  The monthly cost is $60 per child. 

The second opportunity is to help provide the funds necessary to pay for the children’s schooling.  It costs $150 to send a child to school on a yearly basis.  You can choose to help provide these children with an education if you feel led to give in this way.  Education is vital to help these children succeed and become self-sufficient as they become adults. 

Thirdly, you can pray for these children and the missionaries who help care for them.  Sometimes we forget the power of prayer and the fact that God has called us to come before Him with everything in prayer.  (Philippians 4:6)  Please take time to pray for these children on a regular basis.  Pray for their spiritual and physical needs and pray for the people who are caring for them on a daily basis. 
When you choose to partner with Mercy's Reach, your commitment is for 1 full year.  We will follow up yearly to ask for re-commitments.  Upon commitment you will receive a letter explaining how to make your donations and also a picture of your child with their story attached.  You will also have the opportunity to write them as often as you'd like and hear back from them on occasion.  
Would you please pray about and consider joining us in this ministry and sponsoring a child monthly or providing the funds for their schooling on a yearly basis?   Your donations will be tax deductible; you simply need to contact us to participate.  Whether or not you are not led to give financially would you please commit to pray for these children, as well as this ministry?

If you are interested in becoming a part of this ministry, please e-mail us at mercysreach@gmail.com. Please include your contact info and we will send you some information on getting started.  

Thank you!

In Christ, 
Luke and Callie Walker

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